In the midst of all of the public bickering going on these days, something very significant actually happened.
Kanye dissed Taylor (cue the groan from the peanut gallery.)
I know, it's shocking, what with the relevance of the prestigious VMA's.
Now, what's important here is not how you feel about the so-called Captain K. Is he a jerk? Is he a hero? Is he tellin' it like it is? Keeping it real?
(Will he go to rehab within the next month? Boost the sagging CD sales? Remember, you heard it here first.)
Rather, what is important is the fact that he didn't act like a pro. He certainly gets paid like a pro (unlike yours truly.) So he should act like one.
There are a lot of "rules" that need to be followed when your a pro musician. All of them seem pretty obvious, but the mentality of the typical musician never ceases to amaze me. They're simple, really.
You gotta do things like show up and be ready to play on time (which means you're not walking through the door to set up 10 minutes before the hit- are you listening, guitar players?) You need to have professional gear that is actually in working order (still looking at you, guitar players.) Your gear includes chords, cables, power strips, extra strings and 9 volt batteries. Oh, yeah, and an amp, too.
And a guitar strap.
(I was on a gig once where the guitar man forgot his guitar- huh?)
Other responsibilities include having to dress appropriately, even if it is a jeans and t-shirt gig. Bands should have a look, even if it's the dirty, grungy, uncaring look. So make sure that you're part of it. You should also stay (relatively) sober. You were hired to do a job, so make sure you are still able to perform.
"A man should know his limitations."- L.C. Walker
Finally, you are not supposed to fight with your band mates (co-workers) while you are on the stage. If there is some point of contention going on, save it for the back room. Not only do you make a fool of yourself, but you give all of your colleagues a bad name, you embarrass them, and chances are that you're not going to get called again to work with so-and-so.
These are our rules of decorum.
Hmmm. Sounds like just about anybody's job requirements, no? You would almost certainly be fired for berating your boss in front of your co-workers
Which brings us to Rep. Joe Wilson (R.-S.C.)
South Carolina, by the way, still flies the Stars and Bars atop the statehouse. Nice.
Is he a hero or a jerk? Remember, it's not what he said, but where he said it (and before you start yapping and getting off-topic, all of our so-called leaders lie.)
The rules of decorum in the House of Representatives are very clear:
As stated in section 370 of the House Rules and Manual, it has been held that a member could not:
- call the President a “liar.”
- call the President a “hypocrite.”
- describe the President’s veto of a bill as “cowardly.”
- charge that the President has been “intellectually dishonest.”
- refer to the President as “giving aid and comfort to the enemy.”
- refer to alleged “sexual misconduct on the President’s part.”
So it goes...
photo credit: Jason DeCrow/AP